Kathleen Gould Lundy
Kathleen Gould Lundy
Kathleen Gould Lundy is a teacher, author and speaker who has extensive experience working in literacy, equity and arts education in various educational contexts in North America, Europe, the UK and, most recently, China. She was a teacher, consultant and the District–wide Coordinator of Drama and Dance for over thirty years in the Toronto District School Board. In 2002, she was seconded to York University where, as Coordinator of Destination Arts, she collaborated with teachers, artists, students, faculty and administrators to create professional learning programs such as the Certificate Course in Arts Education for Artists Working in Ontario Schools with the Ontario Arts Council and the Stratford Festival of Canada.
From 2014-16 she was principal investigator of a very large research project examining inventive teaching in math, science and the arts. The project called All “I”s on Education: Imagination, Integration, Innovation took place in ten Ontario school boards and was funded by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education with the support of the Ontario Ministry of Education. Recently Kathy taught the Music Education students in the Concurrent Teacher Education Program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto where she now teaches a graduate course called Arts and Urban Schools. Kathy also teaches pre-service teacher candidates in the Faculty of Education at York University. She has written several professional books for teachers including Teaching Fairly in an Unfair World. Her new book, Stand Up and Teach, will be published by Pembroke Publishers in the fall of 2018.