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ARCT Music History Course Online Examination

ARCT Music History Course Online Examination

The examination is available on demand and can be taken by students any place that has a reliable internet connection.

Based on the Theory Syllabus, 2016 Edition, exam questions will test knowledge of the musical style of the Romantic and Modern eras, including definitions and application of terms, representative composers, and required works.

The Independent Study takes the form of a three-step assignment and must be completed prior to taking the exam. Please read the Independent Study Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Examination Components Details
Passing Grade
  • A mark of 60% or more is required to earn a passing grade
Length of Exam
  • 90 minutes in length
Marked Examinations
  • Examinations are not returned to students. A breakdown showing marks earned for each section is provided 
  • Comments are not provided
Musical Excerpts Identification
  • Listening component appears on the exam, worth 20% of total mark
Short Essay
  • Short essay answers are included, and worth 20% of the overall mark
  • Questions requiring prose answers will consist of comparisons of various aspects of composers' biographies or the musical style of selected composers and genres, and will include comparisons of various aspects of any two required works  
Independent Study Essay
  • Independent Study Essay is completed prior to the examination via the three-part submission feature

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